As we say goodbye to Advent and Christmas and return to Ordinary Time, it’s time to reflect on those joyous seasons and thank those who helped make them extra special. My heartfelt thanks to Cathy Hinse and Laurie Jamo for their never-ending help making the church and parish center beautiful, sometimes with only a moment’s notice! They are incredibly generous with their time and talent! Thank you to our wonderful Worship and Spirituality Committee for everything they do all year long and for being such a joy to work alongside. Thank you to Tina McLeod for the blessing she is with the children and for spearheading our Worship and Spirituality Advent Project, which was a huge success! Thank you to Jude Ippoliti, Rita Chasse, David Labun, and our wonderful music ministry for filling our churches with beautiful music and making our Masses so joyous. Thank you to Jeffrey Raymond for always making our church sparkle and shine, no matter the season! Thank you to Teresa and Neal Surrette for taking such good care of the plants in the church and making sure the Holy Water fonts are clean and filled. Thank you to Troy Bouchard and Sharlett Currier for always “keeping the lights on for me” with my many candles and for always being there to help! Thank you to George and Judy Ouellette for always saying “YES” no matter what I want to do and for all you do for me every day too numerous to list! Thank you to Fr. Joel for being here with us at Christ the Divine Mercy Parish during such a special time of the year. We were blessed to have you here with us! Thank you for your YES! Thank you to all the parishioners and visitors of Christ the Divine Mercy Parish for your support and graciousness. It is truly a blessing to do what I do as Worship and Spirituality Chair at St. Peter’s.
Love to you all! Carol LeVasseur
As Chairman of Worship & Spirituality Commission of St. Martin’s, let me extend a BIG Thank you to al those who helped decorate and watered the flowers to help make it look festive during the Christmas Season. To those who helped to undecorate, thank you and to you Fr. Joel, we thank you for your spiritual guidance. Bless you all, Francis